Year 9 News
28/11/2019Science – Eye Dissection
This term, the Year 9 Science topic is Physics, with particular focus on light and soundwaves. To further our understanding, all the Year 9 classes undertook a cow’s eye dissection practical to help learn the function and structure of the human eye. The practical meant we could understand how the eye sees light and sends messages to the brain. The practical was enabled us to understand just how many different elements go into being able to physically see, it was also amazing at seeing how delicate the eye was. Our assessment will be writing a practical report on the eye dissection.
Kiara Clarke

Food Technology
Throughout the past semester in Year 9 Food Technology we focused on cooking two chosen meals with our partner. We had to select two meals and cook them within the two hours of our double period and present them to our teacher Mrs Jan. In order to complete this assignment, we had to fill in a production plan and put in our order for our ingredients and our utensils. My partner and I chose enchiladas as our main meal and churros as our desert. Many people cooked all different things such as fried rice, brownies, tacos or burritos.
Marnie Wakefield
Year 9 Woodwork
Our Year 9 Woodwork class finished its busy year on Tuesday. Most students had completed their chess boards already, using their biscuit-cutting and gluing/clamping skills, then finishing with belt sanders, orbital sanders and a coat of oil.
The major task was a folding stool. This involved extremely careful measuring, followed by sawing, planing, drilling, finishing and sanding – just to make the components! Assembly required even more skill, aligning and fitting fifteen different parts, using glue, nails and screws. Students finished their work with fine sanding and a coat of Danish Oil to produce a beautiful, compact and useful product.
“I really enjoyed how the students had good energy working in the room,” said Technology teacher Ms Kate Verbeek. “Sometimes it was really noisy and dusty in there, but everyone showed they could work, and work safely.
“The biggest compliment a teacher in this subject can have, is for the students to take their work home – and that’s just what they’ve done.”
These past few weeks in our Year 9 Indonesian class we have focused on tourism. My classmates and I have made brochures based on three different places in the city of Yogyakarta, that attract tourist. We have also looked at a hotel in Indonesia to add to the tourism brochure. The brochure consists of photos and Indonesian writing that talks about those four different places. The task was to be completed in a brochure format that could be printed and presented to the class. The hotel that we studied was to be performed in front of the class as an oral presentation.
Lucy Bassett
Outdoor Education – Camp
Recently our Year 9 students attended their Outdoor Education camp at the Grampians. The students took on a number of different activities including rock climbing, hiking and cultural experiences. There were three significant walks that the students completed; climbing the summit of Mt Zero, Mt Stapleton, the Pinnacle and a visit to the famous, MacKenzie Falls. During the experience, students were required to cook all their meals on a trangia stove which required some careful planning. On the final day of the camp, students visited Brambuk Cultural Centre and learned about the history of the Grampians (Gariwerd) from a local Aboriginal elder, who also demonstrated the technique involved in boomerang throwing. Although it was a long trip, the students thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Mr Kerrin Smith