News & Events

Principal’s Update

It is pleasing to see that students and staff have settled quickly into Term 3, which promises to be action-packed.

On the first day of the new term, teaching staff were immersed in their final day of Berry Street Training. The staff are to be commended for their commitment to this training and the way they have incorporated these valuable resources into their daily teaching. The positive effects are already noticeable throughout the school.

A highlight of the first week back was when our senior student leaders warmly welcomed their peers from Years 7, 8 and 9 to St Mary’s for a collaborative gathering. This was a valuable opportunity for our students to exchange ideas, reflect on their achievements so far, and strengthen our school community.

Seeing them actively participating in conversations and spending quality time together was a positive indication of their commitment to encouraging each other and promoting unity across the College.

As always, there is a busy program of academic and extra-curricular activities taking place across the College. Throughout this week, Year 10 students have put aside the regular timetable to be involved in a comprehensive program of social and emotional activities, pathway planning and the Melbourne Camp. Meanwhile our Year 11s also took time out from their regular timetable for a memorable Encounter Day.

Important conversations will be taking place at home in the lead up to Subject Selection Evening next week as students consider which subjects will help them achieve their desired outcomes as they progress through their education. We encourage students to use all available resources as they make choices based on their interests and future pathways, including attending the Subject Selection Evening and talking to their teachers.

By providing this supportive environment, we encourage students to be lifelong learners, to be empowered to thrive as they find their pathway to success.

Kind regards,

Brian Turner, Principal

25 July 2024