Year 11 News – 21 March 2024
21/03/2024Our Year 11s have had a fruitful couple of weeks, with most classes completing major summative assessments. This has been a learning curve for our students as they get used to the rigour involved in studying for School-Assessed Coursework (SACs), organisation and time management required in all Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) courses.
The Unit 1 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sport and Recreation students headed off to the Bendigo Athletics Track to learn the skills to manage the variety of events at future Athletics Days, chiefly for primary schools around Bendigo. They had the honour of being taught by Emma Berg, a 3-time national champion shot putter, who is also the all-time sixth best throw by an Australian woman. It was amazing for these students to see her dedication as she trains six days a week and is in her final year of Nursing.
All VCE Vocational Major (VM) students were involved in the Food Handling Course last week, where they gained a nationally recognised Certificate that allows them to work in the hospitality industry throughout Australia.
Our amazing student leaders have held the responsibility throughout Term 1 to raise and lower the flags each day at St Mary’s, outside the General Office. We fly the Australian National flag, Aboriginal flag and Torres Strait Islander flag at our St Mary’s Campus. Caleb Tobin (Year 11 Captain) is pictured here raising our flags recently.