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VCE History Revolutions


On Thursday 15 July, our VCE History Revolutions class visited Bendigo’s Golden Dragon Museum to learn more about the causes of the Chinese Revolution of 1949. We were fortunate to be guided through the museum by the resident Historian and Researcher, Mr Leigh McKinnon

 Below are some reflections from students.

 “The Trip to the Bendigo Golden Dragon Museum was a great way to focus on the study guide.

The trip made the revolution a bit more interesting and gave more of a perspective on social life in China.” Tully Dunlop

 “The museum excursion was a great look into another culture’s history, it not only helped with our knowledge for the class but our social and worldly knowledge of another place too.” Archer Shevlin

 “…going to the museum made me understand a lot more about their culture” Poung Shu Thay

 “Through the artifacts such as the dragon throne and other items such as the bed gave us an idea of the wealth of nobles and society compared to commoners who were poor and struggling. We were also able to learn about the connections the Chinese have with Bendigo which is especially important.” Hunter Webster

 “The Golden Dragon Museum was a good experience because it allowed me to hear about the Chinese Revolution from a different perspective. The tour also allowed me to see different artifacts from back in the revolutionary times and to see how the Chinese people were living during the Revolution.” Harrison Welch