Thought-provoking and engaging Drama
Over two nights, our St Mary’s Drama students performed their self-devised theatre ensemble pieces to a live audience.
Throughout the development process, students develop vital skills in collaboration, problem solving, leadership, creativity, public speaking and empathy. Each year level receives a stimulus and structure, and from there they work together to create a refined performance, filled with comedy, pathos, thought-provoking moments and engaging characters.
On 24 May, our Years 10 and 11 Drama students presented their work based on the stimulus of ‘Greed’ (Year 10) and ‘Waste Not, Want Not’ (Year 11). These performances looked at human nature and how our consumerist habits impact our relationships with others and our planet.
On 31 May, our Year 12 Drama students looked at the stimulus ‘Welcome to Australia’ and explored the idea of welcome and hospitality, through the lens of key historical moments in Australia’s history – Captain Cook’s Landing, Convict History, The Gold Rush and The White Australia Policy. All performances required depth of research and showcased the many skills the students have developed throughout their time studying Drama at our College.
We congratulate all the St Mary’s Drama students on their amazing performances and look forward to more in Term 4!
Mrs Lisa Darlow, Drama Teacher
Year 12 Drama Night
Years 10 & 11 Drama Night