News & Events

Principal’s Update – Tuesday 27 July 2021: Return to school tomorrow


Thank you to all those families who have been supporting your children over the past week during lockdown. We are very fortunate not to be in the same situation as our friends and families in the Sydney area and those impacted are in our thoughts and prayers.

The good news is that all Catherine McAuley College students are able to return to school tomorrow, Wednesday 28 July.  Students will return to their normal timetable and program. We want the students back in the routine of school life as quickly as possible.

The most important change in expectations is that it is mandatory that students always carry a mask and wear it indoors. Only students who have an existing exemption or provide a medical approval in accord with the process will be allowed not to wear a mask. If seeking exemption, please refer to your child’s Year Level Learning Leaders. Masks can only be removed indoors if advised by a staff member.  It is recommended that students also carry a spare mask or store one in their locker.

Students are also reminded that they are mandated to wear a mask on any buses or public transport. Please read the attached information presented by the Victorian State Government that details regional requirements. If your child does not wear a mask or refuses to wear a mask, then they cannot attend the College. The safety of others is critical.

Please understand that the College will be instructed by Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV) and the Chief Medical Officer of Victoria guidelines outlining how the College will maintain a safe work space.

  • The buses will be running as usual;
  • The canteen will be running as usual;
  • Students will still be accessing their lockers;
  • Their learning program will not change.

Once again I remind you that more information about the return to school and coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found on the CECV website, which will continue to be updated: In the near future further advice will be presented to the College by CECV outlining contingencies that will be in place to support the students in the coming weeks.

Regarding St Mary’s students this week, with the postponement of the GAT (General Achievement Test) to Thursday 12 August, our classes this week will be as per our normal school timetable

As per previous communication, on the day of the GAT examination – Thursday 12 August, all VCE Units 1-4 classes will be cancelled from Periods 1 – 5, as most Years 11 and 12 VCE students will be sitting the GAT examination. Year 10 and VCAL classes will run as normal on the day, and Periods 6 and 7 will run for all year levels.

We also understand that these ongoing lockdowns can cause mixed reactions and impact. Please contact the College if you have concerns about your children and their return. The more we know the better.

The most important action we can take to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), is to ensure that any unwell student remains at home, even with the mildest of symptoms. It is important that any student who becomes unwell while at school, be immediately sent home and should be collected by a parent or carer.

Thank you for your continued support and patience, we look forward to welcoming students back to the classroom. Any changes to these arrangements will be relayed as promptly as possible.

Yours sincerely

Mr Brian Turner, Principal