News & Events

Principal’s Community Update – 11 September 2020


As we near the end of Term 3, Mr Brian Turner has recorded this update to keep the CMC Community informed of plans for the last week of Term 3 and the commencement of Term 4.

Given the rapidly-changing situation, the College will provide updates as we receive further advice from the Victorian Government, the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, Mercy Education Ltd and Catholic Education Sandhurst.

Topics covered in this video include:

R U OK? Day

Congratulations to those who contributed to last Thursday’s R U OK? video message

Final Week of Term 3

  • Mercy Day Celebration: Thursday 17 September for all students and staff
  • Staff Spirituality Day (Pupil Free): Friday 18 September

Term 4

  • Term 4 begins Monday 5 October
  • All students in remote learning for Week 1.
  • Exception is on Wednesday 7 October for those undertaking the GAT. This information has been sent to students involved (Years 11/12).
  • All students back to on campus learning from Monday 12 October.
  • Please wear full summer uniform and make sure you have masks ready.

College Closure

  • Please note the College remains closed to visitors until Monday 12 October.

Thank you

Thank you to all families for their support of the College and our teachers and congratulations to students on their high level of attendance in challenging times.

Thank you to staff for their continuing efforts with remote learning and supporting students.

Mr Brian Turner, Principal