News & Events

Opening Mass Welcome 2021



Good morning and welcome to our Opening Mass. We come together today to celebrate the beginning of the school year. While this Opening Mass may look quite different from the ones were used to, we feel very privileged to be able to gather as Year 12s today to celebrate the year ahead and the possibilities of the future.

We recognise that the future is uncertain and challenges will arise for us all this year, but as a cohort, and as leaders of the whole school community, we will rise to the challenges and overcome them together.

Since Year 7 we’ve been working to build close bonds as a year level and retreat further cemented these bonds. The experiences we had on retreat reminded us how privileged we are to live in this wonderful country. Our access to education gives us more opportunities than many others in our world and we are so lucky to have the support of our teachers, family, friends and each other. This privilege is not one we will take for granted this year. Instead, we are challenged to be truth seekers who educate ourselves and work to advocate for justice and change. Throughout this year, we acknowledge we will face hardships and difficulties that will challenge us, but together we can grow closer and become more resilient as we support each other and develop lifelong friendships. We’re dedicated and willing to work hard to get the best out of ourselves and this year.

2021 is the last year of our 13-year schooling journey. For this year, as Year 12s of Catherine McAuley College, we hope to not only better ourselves but to also better our community. The experiences and troubles last year taught us to become stronger and much better people. These experiences taught us about the importance of connection and the significance of being part of a community.

We hope for a year that will challenge us and prepare us for the real world that is so near. The future beyond school is right ahead of us, with everyone aspiring to new and exciting adventures. This is an exciting time.

As Year 12s we have a big responsibility. We, the most senior and experienced students, are role models and need to show the younger levels what living mercy means and what it means to be part of a Mercy school. As Catherine McAuley says, “We should be shining lamps, giving light to all around us.” Catherine McAuley was such a charitable, generous and inspiring woman. The way she put others before herself, and educated women and children who were less fortunate, is a motivation for us to work for justice. Catherine inspires us every day to be young people, driven by a passion to help others. Living mercy is about striving to uphold the values which we know so well; justice, courage, service, hospitality, compassion and respect. Throughout this year we will display these values as we have the opportunity and ability to be leaders and a voice for others. Now is the chance for us to make a positive impact, to leave our mark, and be the change we want to see in the world. That’s our challenge this year.

So, let’s move forward into 2021 full of hope and excitement for what the future holds – the opportunities, the experiences and the chance we have to make a difference.

Abbey Clohesy & Tomás Coleman