From the Principal – 12 October 2023
12/10/2023Mr Brian Turner, Principal
With Term 4 fully underway, there are several big topics occupying the minds and hearts of our community at the moment, including the horrific news from Israel. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are currently enduring suffering and hardship.
We hope that a path to peace may soon be found to bring an end to violence, oppression and self-interest.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
Pope John Paul II address in Alice Springs 1986
It is well over thirty years since (now Saint) Pope John Paul II issued his ground-breaking address to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Blatherskite Park, Alice Springs.
On 29 November 1986, the Holy Father told the Indigenous community: “Your culture, which shows the lasting genius and dignity of your race, must not be allowed to disappear. Do not think that your gifts are worth so little that you should no longer bother to maintain them. Share them with each other and teach them to your children. Your songs, your stories, your paintings, your dances, your languages, must never be lost.”
Pope Francis sent a message of hope and blessing to Australia’s Indigenous peoples. “This anniversary affords me the happy opportunity to express my deep esteem for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and for your ancient cultural heritage.”
The Voice Referendum
As everyone would be well aware, the referendum for Constitutional change is happening this weekend. This issue has had full coverage for much of this year in the mainstream media and on social media and now it is time to decide. Any referendum represents an important moment in our history, and we urge everyone to approach this one fully informed and with respect for the opinions and feelings of others.
Elsewhere in this News Update are some resources to refer to prior to Saturday’s vote. The position of the Church, Australian Council of Bishops and the Sisters of Mercy is clearly detailed in the attachments. The most important thing is to be informed and discerning, and to be accepting of other opinions and ideas.
This extract from The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea’s statement on the Voice supports a First Nations and true reconciliation.
Six years ago, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, through the Uluru Statement from the Heart, graciously invited all Australians to walk with them towards a just and better future. We wholeheartedly accept this invitation and support the Yes case in the October referendum.
As Sisters of Mercy, we are committed to a more just society. The Institute’s Constitutions remind us that ‘justice is mercy in action’ [4.04] and ‘we are called to give special form to God’s mercy in our love for one another’ [4.07]. Australia’s First Nations people will only achieve justice when they are able to have their Voice heard in relation to decisions that impact their communities. For decades many of our sisters have lived and journeyed with Australia’s First Nations people both in our cities and in remote communities. Collectively we have learnt much, as well as witnessing the problems standing in the way of First Nations’ communities flourishing.
We are fortunate to live in a democracy and to voice an opinion. What we don’t support or endorse is judgement and anti-social behaviour towards those who have a different opinion or advocate for difference. We need to measure indifference, have appropriate dialogue and be open to difference. That is the only way we grow.
Year 12 Exams and Graduation
Some Year 12 students have already started exams and there are only a few days remaining of formal schooling. We wish our Year 12 students and staff every success as they prepare for exams and final celebrations. The Year 12 Final Day will be Friday 20 October. This milestone will be acknowledged with a breakfast for the Year 12 students followed by a whole school assembly.
The Graduation Mass and Celebration will take place at the conclusion of the final VCE exams on Thursday 16 November. Mass will be in the Cathedral and the celebration will be at the Mercy Junortoun Sporting Precinct for the first time. An assembly was held with the group to acknowledge their effort to this point and outline the challenges in the short time ahead.
Leadership Appointments for 2024
The College is delighted to announce that following a thorough recruitment process, these applicants have been selected for leadership positions in 2024: Executive Deputy Principal Staff and Administration – Francis Dullard, Assistant Principal Faith, Mission and Community – Cara Pawsey, Assistant Principal Campus Leader – Suzie Kemp and Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching – Gina Giblin.
Frank Dullard has been a Primary Principal in our Diocese for many years and has most recently held a significant successful tenure at St Liborius PS, Eaglehawk. He is a very experienced leader and well known for his innovation across the school setting. Frank’s children attended Catholic College Bendigo, and his family are well known for their leadership and contribution across the Diocese. We look forward to welcoming Frank to CMCB in 2024.
Gina, Cara and Suzie currently hold or have held, leadership positions here at CMCB and are all very experienced and familiar with our setting and direction. We wish all these leaders every success as they prepare to take up these significant roles next year.

Special Voice Edition of Just Mercy
Statement on the Voice Referendum from Bishop Vincent Long
Statement from ISMAPNG on the Voice Referendum