Final chance for Year 10 Work Experience
The week 15 – 19 October is the last opportunity for Year 10 students to participate in the Work Experience program. We strongly encourage every Year 10 student to take up this opportunity.
Please see Mrs Dickson or Mr Goode in the Careers Office to organise your placement for October. If you have already started the process, please ensure you complete all the required paperwork by Friday 14 September.
No student may start a Work Experience/Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) placement until the student, parent, employer and Principal have signed the relevant arrangement form and Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) modules are completed.
If you are not sure of the steps you need to take to finalise arrangements, please read the guidelines on Schoolbox (parent or student password required):
All students are expected to be proactive in the process and remain in regular contact with the Careers staff.