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A conversation can change a life…’No qualification needed’


R U OK? Day

R U OK? Day encourages us all to ask R U OK? This year’s theme is No qualification needed.

R U OK? Day aims to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life.

You don’t need to be an expert to reach out – just a good friend and a great listener. Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in

Every day is a great day to check in and connect with your family and friends and ask “are you OK?” Its OK to not be OK – we all go through tough times. Reaching out to offer support can make a difference. If you are not OK – it’s OK to say so. Remember, a conversation can change a life!

Check out the YouTube video No qualification needed and the R U OK? Day website for more tips and information. 

In addition to the support of friends or family, or significant people in your life, the following services and resources are available.

Connect – 5 Ways to Wellbeing

Being connected to others is important for our mental and physical wellbeing. It is important to nurture relationships with people who we are close to you, such as family and friends and to look for ways to connect to others in our community and the wider world.

Staying connected can:

  • increase our feelings of happiness, security, belonging and self-worth.
  • give us a chance to help and support others
  • gives us a chance to receive care and support from others.