News & Events

What is Healthy?


This term the Year 7 Martyn Program Body, Mind and Spirit classes, taught by Mr Edwards and Ms Jan, have been working on the topic ‘What Is Healthy’?

We have been working on a small activity booklet. These booklets contain a range of activities to complete. One of these was the food balance game which helps people learn about the five food groups and how much of each group we need for a healthy meal.

The main part of this project was to plan and demonstrate cooking a healthy meal. On Tuesday 5 June the Martyn Program students all chose a partner and picked a healthy meal to cook. We were able to pick up to seven main ingredients with the option for an extra few less important ingredients.

On Tuesday 12 June we all went to the food technology rooms to cook our meals. The first thing we did was collect the ingredients, then got out our phones to take pictures of them for evidence to put in our activity booklets back in the classroom. When we all finished cooking our meals we took pictures of the final products. We had a visit from Mr Turner and we all showed him our work. Finally, we all cleaned our dishes and tidied the kitchen.